On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Chouser <chou...@gmail.com> wrote: > On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Jeffrey Straszheim > <straszheimjeff...@gmail.com> wrote: >> Does the stuff in error kit work across thread boundaries. I'm thinking, >> for instance, if you run a computation using pmap, the individual >> computations are run inside of Java futures, which will propagate exceptions >> back to the caller when the caller gets the value. So, pmap should work >> fairly transparently with regard to Java exception semantics. That is nice. > > That's a very interesting scenario, thanks for bringing it up. > >> Can the same be said for the error-kit stuff? > > Currently, no. The problem is that though future propagates > exceptions on the way out, it does not propagate dynamic binding > context on the way in, which is what error-kit needs to do what it > does. Also, error-kit uses some thread-local data to pass information > up the stack past frames that don't know about it.
I've got a solution or at least a sort of work-around for this. As of svn 530, error-kit provides a 'rebind-fn' function You can pass it a function definition and it will stuff the dynamic context needed by error-kit (via lexicals) into the given fn and re-dynamically-bind them there. This along with some other adjustments to how error-kit communicates with itself across stack frames allows for this: (with-handler (doall (pmap (rebind-fn #(if (< % 5) % (raise *error* "foo"))) (range 10))) (handle *error* [msg] (str "caught " msg))) That returns "caught foo". The two key pieces there are the 'doall' and 'rebind-fn'. Leaving out both the 'doall' and 'rebind-fn' would mean that pmap may not raise the error until after leaving the dynamic scope of the with-handler. The 'raise' would not see the with-handler, and throw a normal Java Exception, producing the same results as you'd get from using try/catch in a similar way: java.lang.Exception: foo Including the 'doall' but leaving out 'rebind-fn' would still prevent 'raise' from seeing that its inside a with-handler, and so would still throw a normal Java Exception, which the with-handler would decline to catch: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.Exception: foo (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0) Leaving out the 'doall' but including 'rebind-fn' produces the strangest result. The 'rebind-fn' would allow 'raise' to see the with-handler context, but which would no longer be in place when the 'raise' actually executes. This allows error-kit's internal exception object to sneak out into the light of day: Error Kit Control Exception: default, {:args ("caught foo"), :hfunc #<user$eval__1897$fn__1901 user$eval__1897$fn__1...@1a791f>, :blockid G__1899, :htag clojure.contrib.error-kit/*error*, :rfunc #<core$identity__3483 clojure.core$identity__3...@c3e967>} Scary, right? So don't do that. If you correctly use 'rebind-fn' in contexts that are forced while still within the appropriate with-handler context, you can use the full power of error-kit, including continue, continue-with, bind-continue, etc: (defn whine [] (raise *error* "whine")) (with-handler (doall (pmap (rebind-fn #(with-handler (if (< % 5) % (whine)) (bind-continue insert [x] x))) (range 10))) (handle *error* [msg] (continue insert (str "caught " msg)))) If anyone is still reading and has a better idea for how to get try/catch and dynamic binding contexts to stay in sync, I'm all ears. --Chouser --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to clojure@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to clojure+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/clojure?hl=en -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---