On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Jeffrey Straszheim
<straszheimjeff...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does the stuff in error kit work across thread boundaries.  I'm thinking,
> for instance, if you run a computation using pmap, the individual
> computations are run inside of Java futures, which will propagate exceptions
> back to the caller when the caller gets the value.  So, pmap should work
> fairly transparently with regard to Java exception semantics.  That is nice.

That's a very interesting scenario, thanks for bringing it up.

> Can the same be said for the error-kit stuff?

Currently, no.  The problem is that though future propagates
exceptions on the way out, it does not propagate dynamic binding
context on the way in, which is what error-kit needs to do what it
does.  Also, error-kit uses some thread-local data to pass information
up the stack past frames that don't know about it.


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