Since you say you're an Eclipse user, one answer could be : use clojuredev
(eclipse plugin supporting clojure development),

and wait patiently for this feature to be included :-).

More seriously : clojuredev, while still a baby compared to slime, has some
interesting features worth considering for current eclipse users :
- syntax coloring + rainbow parens
- namespace browser
- REPL launcher
- auto-compilation of files + problem markers (for compilation errors)
- "survival kit" of keyboard shortcuts in the editor : top-level
s-expression selection, send to REPL (current selection or top-level
s-expression), compile file, ...

Code completion and integration with the JDT are next on my todo list. It
would be based on heuristics in a first time (deduction of the namespace of
a symbol by simple/naive detection of the ns of the file), but would work
95% (if not better) of the time, and then, when time permits, based on real
static analysis+dynamic analysis of code.

By integration with the JDT, the automatic addition of imports is indeed a
really interesting feature I would like to add (I intend to first use a lot
clojure for replacing bits of java in existing java projects, so our needs
will match in this area :-).



2009/2/9 phtrivier <>

> Hi everyone
>  first of all, this is my first post, so if I ask FAQs or deserve to
> RTFM, please tell me.
> I am learning clojure, and trying to adapt some game code written in a
> Java framework called Slick. After a couple of beginner's mistake (the
> kind you do to learn ;) ), I got a working convestion of a Scoller
> example. Still, there are some things that I don't find very elegant,
> or where I'm pretty sure to be reinventing some wheel.
> Code is here :
> or
> git://
> * The game is tile-based. I need to build up a collision map ("can the
> tank walk on cell [3,2] ?"). Java does it with a two-dimensional array
> of booleans. From discussion here :
> , I choosed to use a vector of vector (i probably should'nt have, but
> that's another point). I wrote this :
> (defn blocked?
>  "Is a position blocked in the screen?"
>  [screen x y]
>  (let [i (int x)
>        j (int y)]
>    (true? (get (get (screen :blocked) i) j))))
> (defn make-row-generator
>  [cell-generator w]
>  (fn [i]
>    (vec (map (fn [j] (cell-generator i j))
>              (range 0 w)))))
> (defn make-matrix
>  [w h cell-generator]
>  (vec (map (make-row-generator cell-generator w)
>            (range 0 h))))
> (defn make-collision-map
>  "Builds a double dimensioned array telling
> whether a cell is blocked"
>  [m w h]
>  (make-matrix
>   w h
>   (fn [i j]
>     (let [tileId (.getTileId m i j 0)]
>       (let [res
>             (Boolean/parseBoolean
>              (.getTileProperty m tileId "blocked" "false"))]
>         res
>         )))))
> (the 'm' is a slick-specific stucture that holds the tile map).
> Am I duplicating some existing library to build matrices ? Is there a
> cleaner way to do it ?
> * In a method I check for collisions :
>  ;; Movement
> (defn try-move
>  "Try and move a player in the screen given a direction.
>                Returns a list with the moved player, and a
>                boolean indicating whether the move was successfull.
>        "
>  [player screen dx dy]
>  (let [new_x (+ (player :x) dx)
>        new_y (+ (player :y) dy)]
>    (let [bxy (blocked? screen new_x new_y)
>          bx (blocked? screen new_x (player :y))
>          by (blocked? screen   (player :x) new_y)]
>      (if bxy
>        (if bx
>          (if by
>            [player, false]
>            [(assoc player :y new_y), true])
>          [(assoc player :x new_x), true])
>        [(assoc player :x new_x :y new_y), true]))))
> Will i get used to the nested 'if' blocks someday ? Any way to write
> the equivalent of a switch case here, if only to improve
> readibility ?
> * Finally, my code starts with a rather ugly
> (ns tank
>  (:import (org.newdawn.slick Animation
>                              AppGameContainer
>                              BasicGame
>                              GameContainer
>                              Graphics
>                              Input
>                              SlickException
>                              SpriteSheet)
>           (org.newdawn.slick.tiled TiledMap)
>           (org.newdawn.slick.util Log)))
> I know there is no way to import org.newdawn.slick.* (as discussed
> here :
> ). What do you do in programs that need huge list of imports ? I'm
> kinda spoiled by the Eclipse way of doing this, which is roughly :
> import everything, forget about it, and let you IDE clear up the list.
> And at least for development part it make things easier. If I hadn't
> had the exact list of import to copy paste in this case, I would
> probably have gone bored and depressed by the second class to import
> manually (lazyness is not only for evaluation ;) )
> Thanks for any ideas, sorry if post is too long / newbie-like.
> Cheers
> PH
> >

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