On 13.01.2009, at 05:35, Mark P wrote:

> I know that there are other functional approaches where
> the compiler automatically finds ways to parallelize.  Is there
> much scope for this in Clojure?  Or is it all pretty much
> manually added concurrency?

I am not aware of any auto-parallelizing compiler that is actually  
useful in practice. All useable parallelization schemes rely at least  
on hints from the programmer, and most leave the whole specification  
of parallelism to the programmer.

One might say that data-parallel systems are auto-parallelizing, but  
they aren't really: the programmer has to define the data that is  
being distributed, which counts for me as a parallelization hint.

Clojure does nothing at all, it just provides an infrastructure for  
pure functional programming that makes concurrency and parallel  
computing easier to implement than most other languages.

> And this leads to another question I have about Lisp-style
> languages in general.  I get the impression that in Lisp
> much of the "compiler" is Lisp code itself.  Ie, layer and
> layer of macros build up towards the language that then
> actually gets "used".  Does this layer upon layer of macros
> lead to inefficiencies in itself?  Or is the opposite true?

Macros are handled at compile time, so they add no run-time overhead.  
There remains the question of how good the compiler can optimize the  
expressions resulting from macro expansion. But the same question  
applies to any other compiler, as most of them first transform the  
input language into some simple intermediate language and then  
optimize at that level. The difference with Lisp is just that the  
simple intermediate language is a subset of the full language.

> That seems to match what I've read.  On average I get the
> impression that it is about 2 times as slow as efficient C++ code
> and uses maybe 10 times as much memory.

I wouldn't trust any "average"!

> What I'm wondering is whether there is still quite a bit of
> "fat to be trimmed" with HotSpot, or whether it's approaching
> the limits of what is achievable.

JIT technology being young and in rapid development, it would be  
risky to do any prediction there.

>> You could also consider writing Clojure code that generates C++ code.
>> Or C, or why not directly LLVM.
> Thanks.  Worth considering.  Though I don't really know
> whether this is a practical option or not.  Maybe it is.

There are efficient real-life libraries that use this approach. The  
best known is probably FFTW, which consists of optimized C code  
generated by functional OCaml code. I have no doubt that Clojure  
could take the role of OCaml there. Of course, writing such an  
optimizing library requires a significant effort.


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