On 13.01.2009, at 19:07, cliffc wrote:

> 1- If you think that HotSpot/Java is slower than C++ by any
> interesting amount, I'd love to see the test case.  Being the

I have to admit that I haven't done many tests, but for those I did I  
found little to no difference, provided the tests have sufficiently  
long run times.

However, what remains a problem for with the Java/HotSpot approach to  
performance is the absence of a clear (even though necessarily  
approximate) performance model. When writing C or C++ code, I have  
some idea of the approximate cost of everything. Of course there are  
differences between machines and compilers, but those rarely cause  
drastic differences in performance, rarely more than a factor of 2.  
On the JVM, I don't know what HotSpot can optimize and what it can't,  
and I can't predict the impact of object allocation and garbage  
collection. I suppose JVM experts can do better than me, but where  
can I learn about all that?


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