2008/12/12 wubbie <sunj...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> The same hello world did not work for me.
> The error msgs are:
> (defn hello-world []
>  (qt4
>   (let [app (QCoreApplication/instance)
>         button (new QPushButton "Go Clojure Go")]
>     (.. button clicked (connect app "quit()"))
>     (doto button
>       (resize 250 100)
>       (setFont (new QFont "Deja Vu Sans" 18 (.. QFont$Weight Bold
> value)))
>       (setWindowTitle "Go Clojure Go")
>       (show)))))
> java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: resize in this context

Depending on which version of Clojure you are using you may find that you
need to change:

(doto button
    (resize 250 100))


(doto button

Geoffrey Teale
Freelance Software and Technology Consultant
Munich, Germany

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