On Nov 4, 9:06 am, "Geoffrey Teale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you teach the general principles of Clojure then using any of them should
> be easy enough.   As Graham said, it's better to stick with the out of the
> box GUI layer for a general purpose book.   Qt Jambi was actually a little
> tricky to set up on my (rather esoteric!) Linux box, and you don't want
> readers to get pissed off and give up!

I blogged a little about Qt Jambi + Clojure recently [1], for what
it's worth.  I found it very easy to set up and use, on Gentoo Linux
and on Vista.  I'm using it to build an app in my spare time and it's
working well.  I would be interested to see anyone write up a HOWTO
for using a GUI builder tool with Clojure, for Swing or Qt or any
other framework.  It is a bit tedious to do by hand.

I agree though, for a book it might be better to stick with native
Java stuff.  No sense needlessly complicating matters with external
libraries.  Qt Jambi had a couple of odd quirks that I was unable to
figure out.  (Randomly killing my Clojure process under SLIME for

[1] http://briancarper.net/2008/10/31/qt4-in-lisp/


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