Actually I've just succeeded in doing that :) I'll post some instructions if
anybody wishes. It's straightforward enough. But still, the code that
Matisse generates is Java. Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with
that. Maybe I'm biased because of my prior experience with GTK, Glade, and
LibGlade, I suppose. It would have been interesting though to have the
option of loading the interface dynamically during runtime, without
generating any real code except for the XML file containing the details of
the GUI. But I guess that the Java approach is equally effective and
flexible in the end.


2008/11/4 Rich Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Nov 4, 11:56 am, Justin Henzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My preference is that the book focuses on the default java stack.
> >
> +1
> I know people have built UIs with Netbean's Matisse, which is supposed
> to be very good, and wired them up with Clojure. IMO that's a
> promising approach.
> Rich
> >


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