On Nov 28, 1:05 am, "Michael Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 2:59 AM, Kei Suzuki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Nov 27, 11:21 am, Chouser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
> >> All those methods take Java variadic arguments, which generally means
> >> you need build the array the method is expecting.  Fortunately, in the
> >> cases you list you can just use the Clojure function 'format' which
> >> does it for you:
> >> (.println System/out (format "%d" 1))
> [...]
> > Got it. So these also work and are close to what I really wanted to
> > do.
> > (.printf System/out Locale/US "%-10.4f\n" (to-array [Math/PI]))
> > (.printf System/out Locale/FRANCE "%-10.4f\n" (to-array [Math/PI]))
> [...]
> I think Chouser's way of doing this looks less ugly:
> (.println System/out (format "%.4f" Math/PI))
> I don't see a reasonable way to incorporate Locale/US etc. in there, though.
> Is there any way Clojure could automatically convert:
> (.printf System/out Locale/US "%-10.4f\n" Math/PI)
> to:
> (.printf System/out Locale/US "%-10.4f\n" (to-array [Math/PI]))
> because it's a method that takes variadic args?  Or would it have to guess?
> --
> Michael Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

So I wrote the code attached and added it to my user.clj. It allows
you to make the calls like these:

user> (sprintf *out* "%s = %-10.4f\n" "pi" Math/PI)
pi = 3.1416
user> (slprintf System/out java.util.Locale/FRANCE "%s = %-10.4f\n"
"pi" Math/PI)
pi = 3,1416
user> (sprintf *err* "Divided by %s error\n" (if (zero? 0) "zero" "NaN"))
Divided by zero error

I'd like to see the code merged in the core...


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