On Nov 29, 2008, at 10:48 AM, ppierre wrote:

> But I can't compile core.clj when I put get-locale and with-locale  
> inside it.

What error do you get?

>>         - *locale* (should be set!-able as well),
> A set-locale function ?

No, I meant that if *locale* becomes part of Clojure at some point, it  
should be added to the list of bindings that are customarily pushed  
around a repl or script so they always have thread-local bindings that  
can be set with set! . See clojure.main/with-bindings for other  

Please see clojure.org/contributing for info about what it would take  
for your code to be eligible for inclusion in Clojure or clojure- 
contrib. I encourage you (and everyone interested in contributing  
code) to send in the contributor agreement so things you come up with  
can be considered.

What do you have in mind for the several cases in get-locale with one  


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