> OK, I skimmed through compile and RT and it seems as if you "just"
> needed to construct a proper URLClassLoader with the directories you
> need on the classpath, set this one as the context classloader and set
> *use-context-classloader* to true before you invoke compile.

Yes, works.  The attached patch ensures that clojure.compile.path
exists (it doesn't ensure it is a directory, should it?), sets up a
classloader that contains it and runs compile successfully when
invoked for a non-existant target directory.

I haven't changed the handling of the source directories, but it would
probably only be a matter of adding them to the same classloader as


BTW, should Var.popThreadBindings(); in Compile be moved into the
finally block?

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Index: src/jvm/clojure/lang/Compile.java
--- src/jvm/clojure/lang/Compile.java	(revision 1127)
+++ src/jvm/clojure/lang/Compile.java	(working copy)
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
 import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
 import java.io.PrintWriter;
 import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.net.URL;
+import java.net.URLClassLoader;
 // Compiles libs and generates class files stored within the directory
 // named by the Java System property "clojure.compile.path". Arguments are
@@ -41,9 +44,22 @@
+        File destdir = new File(path);
+        if (!destdir.exists()) {
+            destdir.mkdirs();
+        }
+        ClassLoader currentContextLoader =
+            Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
+        URLClassLoader loader =
+            new URLClassLoader(new URL[] {destdir.toURL()},
+                               currentContextLoader);
 		Var.pushThreadBindings(RT.map(compile_path, path));
+		Var.pushThreadBindings(RT.map(RT.USE_CONTEXT_CLASSLOADER,
+                                              Boolean.TRUE));
+                Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(loader);
 		out.write("Compiling " + count + " " +
 		          ((count == 1) ? "lib" : "libs") +
@@ -57,6 +73,8 @@
+                Thread.currentThread()
+                    .setContextClassLoader(currentContextLoader);

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