On 2008-11-27, Stephen C. Gilardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Nov 27, 2008, at 7:41 AM, Stefan Bodewig wrote:

>> Looks pretty easy and it would probably take me longer to sign and
>> send the CA than to put together an antlib.xml file 8-)

>> If anybody is interested, let me know.

> I'm interested in making common developer tasks as easy as possible to
> accomplish and as unsurprising as possible with Clojure.

I guess you are talking about improving Compiler rather than an Ant
task that was layered on top of it.  This one shoudl certainly not
depend on Ant.

> Compile should be able to run standalone and accept these inputs (via
> properties or arguments or any other practical method):

>       a list of source directories containing clojure
> code. (currently classpath is filling this role and I don't think
> that needs to change)

classpath may end up containing Clojure source files you don't intend
to compile, so an explicit argument may be better.

> Compile should do whatever ClassLoader or other magic is necessary to
> ensure both directories are in its effective classpath and call
> clojure.core/compile to do the compilation.

I need to read up on clojure.core/compile to understand how it uses
the classpath and classloaders first.

> I'm currently working through the links returned by a Google search
> for custom class loader.

URLClassLoader will most likely be all you need, or you could use

OK, I skimmed through compile and RT and it seems as if you "just"
needed to construct a proper URLClassLoader with the directories you
need on the classpath, set this one as the context classloader and set
*use-context-classloader* to true before you invoke compile.


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