On Nov 27, 2008, at 7:41 AM, Stefan Bodewig wrote:

> Looks pretty easy and it would probably take me longer to sign and
> send the CA than to put together an antlib.xml file 8-)
> If anybody is interested, let me know.

I'm interested in making common developer tasks as easy as possible to  
accomplish and as unsurprising as possible with Clojure.

One thing that I think would be very useful is if the target directory  
for compilation could be added to classpath by the compiler at compile  
time rather than externally. Currently, not only does the target  
directory have to be mentioned in classpath, it also has to exist at  
the time the JVM running the compiler was launched. Lifting that  
restriction would be very helpful.

Here's what I think would be a good enhancement to the  
clojure.lang.Compile capability we have now:

Compile should be able to run standalone and accept these inputs (via  
properties or arguments or any other practical method):

        a list of source directories containing clojure code. (currently  
classpath is filling this role and I don't think that needs to change)
        a dest directory (which may or may not yet exist and may or may not  
be in classpath at JVM launch time)
        a list of lib names

Compile should do whatever ClassLoader or other magic is necessary to  
ensure both directories are in its effective classpath and call  
clojure.core/compile to do the compilation. Rich's (compile...)  
mechanism already does the "make" aspect of this--any compiled files  
that exist and are newer than the corresponding source files are not  

I'm looking into doing this, but I'd love it if you (or anyone) beat  
me to it or had any suggestions to move it forward.

I'm currently working through the links returned by a Google search  
for custom class loader.


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