Hi Peter,

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Peter Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am new to Clojure, but not Java or LISP (I used to work at LMI).
> I am considering a project written in a mixture of Clojure, Java and
> Groovy.  Clojure for the concurrent inner loop.  Groovy/Grails for the
> Web UI.  And lots of Java reused from other projects.
> How would I debug something like this?  Can I compile Clojure so that a
> standard Java debugger understands it?

I don't know about Groovy, but some people have used standard Java
debuggers to debug  Clojure code. For example:

1. Read Rich's section on debugging in "Getting Started":
2. Have a look at my blog post: http://bc.tech.coop/blog/081023.html
3. There was a recent discussion on this group where another
individual had some problems getting JSwat working:
4. A general search for "debugger" on this group will also bring up
some other relevant threads.

> Is there a better way?

"Better" is subjective. ;-)

You could use "traditional" lisp debugging techniques as well. I've
covered some of these on my blog:


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