Java does thread protect, but it is synchronized. Also java.math and  
java.util's random number generator aren't pluggable with alternate  
implementations. For that I would need SecureRandom.

For my simple example I think I will use a per-thread  
java.util.Random, note the issues, and point interested readers to the  

This has me wondering: should Clojure's rand and rand-int default to  
use a thread-bound instance of java.util.Random?


> On Oct 27, 7:06 pm, Stuart Halloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> ; take samples, tracking number that land
>> ; :in circle and :total number
>> (defn sample-for-pi [count]
>>    (reduce (fn [{in :in total :total} point]
>>             {:in (if (in-circle? point) (inc in) in)
>>              :total (inc total)})
>>           {:in 0 :total 0}
>>           (take count (repeatedly random-point))))
> You'll need to use a different pseudorandom number generator /
> pseudorandom stream for each thread.  Otherwise adding more threads
> won't help performance much, because they will serialize on the PRNG.
> (Hopefully Java thread-protects the PRNG's state -- the C library
> doesn't, which makes for interesting errors ;-) .)  Using Pthread
> mutexes to protect the thread state, in a C implementation of a Monte
> Carlo method on an 8-core 2-socket recent Intel box, I was only able
> to get 2x speedup.  (For game tree search I can get 8x speedup on the
> same machine.)
> Check out the following parallel PRNG tutorial for more info:
> mfh
> >

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