Hi Chouser

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 8:46 AM, Chouser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think it's generally better to use = instead of .equals for
> equality, unless you have a specific reason to not use = (which I
> don't think is the case here).

Only that it allowed me to talk about Java interop in my blog post. ;-)

> On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 11:12 AM, Stuart Halloway
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You could do something like this:
>> (defn seq-xor-2-seqs
>>   "Returns the unique values that are in one sequence but not the
>> other."
>>   [x y]
>>   (let [x (into #{} x)
>>        y (into #{} y)]
>>     (lazy-cat (clojure.set/difference x y)
>>              (clojure.set/difference y x))))
>> Not sure this is more idiomatic, though.  And I guess it would perform
>> worse with huge collections...
> If I'm reading thing's correctly, Bill's solution is O(n^2), while
> Stuart's is O(n*log(n)) or better.  It looks like difference iterates
> over one seq and for each item does a lookup (nearly constant time) on
> the the other, although copying into sets may use more memory.
> By the way, difference is eager, so I'm not sure there's much point in
> using lazy-cat. :-)
> Here's another approach to do all the seqs at once:
> (defn seq-xor
>  "Returns unique values that are in one sequence but not the others."
>  [& seqs]
>  (let [obj-cnt (reduce (fn [acc s]
>                          (merge-with + acc (into {} (for [i s] {i 1}))))
>                        {} seqs)]
>    (for [[obj cnt] obj-cnt :when (== cnt 1)]
>      obj)))

Oooh, very nice!


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