On Oct 15, 2008, at 3:22 AM, Paul Drummond wrote:

> Hmmm.  Now I am getting this:
> (require 'clojure.contrib.zip-filter :as 'zf)
> java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to
> clojure.lang.Symbol (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> Any ideas?

I've enclosed a patch to boot.clj that will give a clearer error  
message in this case:

user=> (require 'clojure.contrib.zip-filter :as 'zf)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: not a libspec or prefix list: :as  


diff --git src/clj/clojure/boot.clj src/clj/clojure/boot.clj
index 7de6888..d27b0a1 100644
--- src/clj/clojure/boot.clj
+++ src/clj/clojure/boot.clj
@@ -3168,20 +3168,28 @@
            (printf ")\n"))
          (apply refer lib (mapcat seq filter-opts))))))

+(def list?)
  (defn- load-libs
    "Loads libs, interpreting libspecs, prefix lists, and flags for
    forwarding to load-lib"
    [& args]
-  (let [flags (filter keyword? args)
+  (let [flag? #{:reload :reload-all :require :use :verbose}
+        flags (filter flag? args)
          opts (interleave flags (repeat true))
-        args (filter (complement keyword?) args)]
+        args (filter (complement flag?) args)]
      (doseq arg args
-      (if (libspec? arg)
-        (apply load-lib nil (prependss arg opts))
-        (let [[prefix & args] arg]
-          (throw-if (nil? prefix) "prefix cannot be nil")
-          (doseq arg args
-            (apply load-lib prefix (prependss arg opts))))))))
+      (cond (libspec? arg)
+            (apply load-lib nil (prependss arg opts))
+            (list? arg)
+            (let [[prefix & args] arg]
+              (throw-if (nil? prefix) "prefix cannot be nil")
+              (doseq arg args
+                (apply load-lib prefix (prependss arg opts))))
+            :else
+            (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
+                    (format "not a libspec or prefix list: %s"
+                            arg)))))))

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