On Oct 15, 2008, at 5:03 AM, Paul Drummond wrote:

> On Oct 15, 9:34 am, mb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You might want to try (require ['clojure.contrib.zip-filter :as  
>> 'zf]).
>> AFAIR, you have to use [] when you want to specify :as.
> Ah, that's it!  This isn't clear (or mentioned unless I'm mistaken) in
> the docs.
> Thanks for your help.
> Paul.

I'm sorry I didn't diagnose the problem with your require statement  
properly in my initial reply.

Quoting the entire vector saves a quote as well:

  (require '[clojure.contrib.zip-filter :as zf])

Here's the portion of (doc require) where it's mentioned:


   A libspec is a lib name or a vector containing a lib name followed by
   options expressed as sequential keywords and arguments.

   Recognized options: :as
   :as takes a symbol as its argument and makes that symbol an alias  
to the
     lib's namespace in the current namespace.

If you'd like to make a suggestion for improved clarity, please do.


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