Hi all,

After a short break from hacking in Clojure I am back and eager to try
out all the new features but I am having trouble getting familiar with
the new lib/namespace feature.

I want to use the zip-filter library so at the REPL I tried this:

(require 'clojure.contrib.zip-filter :as zf)

which failed with:

java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: zf in this context

The docs say :as takes a symbol as its argument so this should work,

Apologies if I've made a silly syntax error - it's been a while!

Is require even the right function to be calling?  I notice the docs
for "require" say:

"Use :require in the ns macro in preference to calling this directly."

Maybe I should be using ns but I assumed it was for library modules
only - I am at the REPL and I don't really want to create a new
namespace, or do I ?!

Anyway, it's good to be back - looks like Clojure has been gathering
soon momentum recently and what's this I hear about a book from the
Pragmatic Programmers?!!!  Exciting times! :)


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