On Oct 2, 2:46 pm, Fogus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK. So we can do:
> (map (fn [x] x) "abc")
> (first "abc")
> (rest "abc")
> (filter (fn [x] (if (= x \b) false true)) "abc")
> (seq "abc")
> etc...
> So why is (seq? "abc") false?
Because a string is not a seq. first/rest/map/filter etc all call seq
on their collection arguments.
user=> (seq? (seq "abc"))
Basically, all collections, and several other things, are seq-able.
But that doesn't make them seqs. Calling seq on most things returns a
different object which provides a sequential view:
user=> (identical? "abc" (seq "abc"))
user=> (= "abc" (seq "abc"))
seq? tests whether something is an actual implementation of ISeq, not
whether it supports having seq called on it.
Hope that helps,
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