For a socket repl, I'd like to have error output sent across the wire  
as well as normal output. Clojure currently provides vars (*in* and  
*out*) that allow a thread to redirect input and output. I suggest a  
new var *err* which allows redirecting error output as well.

I can mostly do this without a change to Clojure by using my own  
alternative to, but there are several instances in Clojure  
where System.err is accessed directly. If those were made indirect  
through a new *err*, one could reliably redirect all of *in*, *out*,  
and *err*.

Here's the *err* definition I suggest for

final static public Var ERR =
                Var.intern(CLOJURE_NS, Symbol.create("*err*"),
                           new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.err, 

(A PrintWriter with auto-flush.)

I think PrintWriter is a good choice because Throwable offers a method  
to dump stack traces to a PrintWriter.


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