Hello Paul,
No, I believe it's cache! If I restart clamd and run scan, it would take
same amount of time as clamscan. But from next time onwards, it would take
considerably less. This is mainly because the server I am trying is almost
still. With busy server, the benefit would be proportional to number of files
That makes me ask question, what is "--disable-cache" option for
*clamscan* is which states "Disable caching and cache checks for hash sums
of scanned files."?
I came across following question in this list:
..Correct, but I'd thought its size would be limited only by the RAM you
have free...
Does that mean clamscan does not have cache at all or caching means something
else here or is it that when running clamscan do I to somehow _activate_ cache?
Thanks in advance,
From: Paul Silvestri <psilvest...@gmail.com>
Sent: Sat, 07 Dec 2024 08:55:13
To: neel roy <neelsm...@rediffmail.com>
Cc: Eddie via clamav-users <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>
Subject: Re: [clamav-users] Difference between clamscan and clamdscan scanning
Ah my apologies, I misread the first part of your message.
It may be worth checking your clamd.conf and recreate those options via the CLI
commands when running clamscan.
On Dec 6, 2024, 10:21 PM -0500, neel roy <neelsm...@rediffmail.com>,
Hello Paul,
Thanks for reply. Yes, I have read that. I am expecting that engine creation
and virus definition loading will take some time. Based on output I see, it
takes about 23 seconds to load virus definitions, to round of I considered 30
seconds. That leaves about 2 min 40 seconds. I do not see any messages even
with "-v" (verbose) option about engine creation. But assume it takes
another 40 seconds.That's still 2 minutes versus 9 seconds. Should there be
*that* big a difference?
Thanks in advance,
From: Paul Silvestri <psilvest...@gmail.com>
Sent: Sat, 07 Dec 2024 08:43:59
To: Eddie via clamav-users <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>
Cc: neel roy <neelsm...@rediffmail.com>
Subject: Re: [clamav-users] Difference between clamscan and clamdscan scanning
Per the docs:
"clamscan is a command line tool which uses libclamav to scan files and/or
directories for viruses. Unlike clamdscan, clamscan does not require a running
clamd instance to function. Instead, clamscan will create a new engine and
load in the virus database each time it is run. It will then scan the
files and/or directories specified at the command line, create a scan report,
and exit."
On Dec 6, 2024, 10:08 PM -0500, neel roy via clamav-users
<clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>, wrote:
I passed 10,000 files listed in the file to clamscan and clamdscan. I see very
big difference on 4 cpu bare metal machine. Why is it?
I am using clamav 1.0.7.
clamscan -f large_files.txt - 3 mins 5 seconds
clamdscan --fdpass -f large_files.txt - 9 seconds
- For clamdscan, I am *not* using -m option.
- For clamdscan, without "--fdpass" it would give "permission
denied" errors.
I understand that first 20-30 seconds or so I see clamscan is loading virus
definitions. Even without that, the difference is difference is very big. What
accounts for it?
Thanks in advance,
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