Hello Paul,

Thanks for reply. Yes, I have read that. I am expecting that engine creation 
and virus definition loading will take some time. Based on output I see, it 
takes about 23 seconds to load virus definitions, to round of I considered 30 
seconds. That leaves about 2 min 40 seconds. I do not see any messages even 
with "-v" (verbose) option about engine creation. But assume it takes 
another 40 seconds.That's still 2 minutes versus 9 seconds. Should there be 
*that* big a difference?

Thanks in advance,

From: Paul Silvestri <psilvest...@gmail.com>
Sent: Sat, 07 Dec 2024 08:43:59
To: Eddie via clamav-users <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>
Cc: neel roy <neelsm...@rediffmail.com>
Subject: Re: [clamav-users] Difference between clamscan and clamdscan scanning 
 Per the docs:

"clamscan is a command line tool which uses libclamav to scan files and/or 
directories for viruses. Unlike clamdscan, clamscan does not require a running 
clamd instance to function. Instead, clamscan will create a new engine and 
load in the virus database each time it is run. It will then scan the 
files and/or directories specified at the command line, create a scan report, 
and exit."

On Dec 6, 2024, 10:08 PM -0500, neel roy via clamav-users 
<clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>, wrote:

I passed 10,000 files listed in the file to clamscan and clamdscan. I see very 
big difference on 4 cpu bare metal machine. Why is it?
I am using clamav 1.0.7.

clamscan -f large_files.txt - 3 mins 5 seconds
clamdscan --fdpass -f large_files.txt - 9 seconds

- For clamdscan, I am *not* using -m option.
- For clamdscan, without "--fdpass" it would give "permission 
denied" errors.

I understand that first 20-30 seconds or so I see clamscan is loading virus 
definitions. Even without that, the difference is difference is very big. What 
accounts for it?

Thanks in advance,

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