
I need to scan Linux systems for viruses/malwares, just entire filesystem. 
There are few options to consider.

    - One is normally what users do: Use clamav to scan system 
once a day.
    - The second option is to find files modified in last one 
day and give that list to anti virus program.

I tested following bash command find on directory with 5 million empty files 
and it's extremely efficient.

date;find /test/ -type f -ctime -1 -type f 1>./find_ctime.out 

It takes only about 5 seconds.

Note, I am using -ctime option just to overcome some program changing 
modification time using utility such as touch.

Most admins when they talk about a system scan they talk about having antivirus 
do the complete scan.

Is there a reason why find should not be used to get list of files modified and 
scan them?

This question is also posted as 

Thanks in advance,


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