Thank you for your kind offer Masaru. This is just to fill you in as to where I 
am at. I have been corresponding with one of the support staff at system 76. I 
will let you know when I have got clam AV g u i working on my pop 22.04 or if I 
need to ask you some more questions about it. So far it seems the way forward 
is to first install clam AV via the command line and then install and use clam 
AV g u i as an interface on top of that.  I have been advised that the correct 
installer file in my case is the number 22 version of the Deb file which 
corresponds with Ubuntu 22.04 on which pop 22.04 is based. I had tried 
installing the 24 version and that is probably why I got the error message.Best 
wishes Sarah-------- Original message --------From: Masaru Nomiya 
<> Date: 28/07/2024  9:44 pm  (GMT+12:00) To: Cc: Subject: Re: 
[clamav-users] Seeking GUI alternative while learning how to
   use clamAV Hello,I was curious about it, but didn't know how to give you 
advice.In the Message;   Subject    : Re: [clamav-users] Seeking GUI 
alternative while learning how to use clamAV  Message-ID : 
<>  Date & Time: Sun, 
28 Jul 2024 21:06:15 +1200[SA] == sarahayre <> has 
written:SA>  Thank you Masaru.I have downloaded the most recent Deb file forSA> 
 clam AV gui on my pop OS 22.04. when I tried to install it anSA>  error 
message appeared saying installation failed and also sayingSA>  "child process 
exited with code 100".[...]Wouldn't this be helpful?'ll help you until 
you get it done.Best Regards.---┏━━┓彡  Masaru Nomiya                       
mail-to: nomiya @┃\/彡┗━━┛      "To hire for skills, firms will 
need to implement robust and            intentional changes in their hiring 
practices ― and change is           hard."            -- Employers don’t 
practice what they preach on skills-based hiring --

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