Thank you for all this information Scott-------- Original message --------From:
Scott Kitterman via clamav-users <> Date:
24/07/2024 12:59 am (GMT+12:00) To: ClamAV users ML
<> Cc: Scott Kitterman <>
Subject: Re: [clamav-users] Seeking GUI alternative while learning how to
use clamAV For Debian and its derivatives, which includes Pop OS via Ubuntu,
when you install the clamav-freshclam package, it is configured to run in
background and periodically check for signature updates. You can, and should,
ignore ClamTK's update mechanisms.To test if scanning is working, you can
install the clamav-testfiles package and scan the test files located in
/usr/share/clamav-testfiles. These are not real threats. They have a special
text string in them which triggers anti-virus scanners for testing.I don't
think there's any problem continuing to us ClamTK for quite some time. The
particularly security sensitive aspects of the scanning process is all done by
clamav and it is still maintained.Scott KOn July 23, 2024 8:30:31 AM UTC,
"Ayre, Sarah via clamav-users" <> wrote:>Thank you
Rainer. That is hopeful.>>I tried using ClamTK today. I updated the signatures
that it said were out of date. Some updates were downloaded. However, the
description of this software in the PopShop for PopOS says that ClamTK does not
support the use of ClamAV database. Do you or anyone else know where ClamTK is
getting its signature updates from now if it is not maintained and not using
ClamAV as a source?>>I also tried some scanning and could not get it to scan
hidden folders e.g. a profile folder. Nor would it scan any files in my
secondary drive. (Neither drive have much non-system data on them because they
are both new.) The secondary drive is mounted in a dedicated folder in the home
directory which I understand, from Masaru's feedback on my main thread to
clamAV Users, to be incorrect (despite both drives using the same ext4 file
system) -- yet my Linux laptop is from System76 and I followed their
instructions in their support article "Auto-Mount Second Hard Drive" which says
"create [and name] an empty folder in your home folder" as the mount
point.>>So, from the above two paragraphs, I am uncertain whether ClamTK is
working or not. Is anyone able to shed any further light on this?>>Best
wishes>>Sarah>>On 22/07/24 8:02 pm, Dr Rainer Woitok wrote:>> Sarah,>> >> On
Mon, 22 Jul 2024 18:02:52 +1200 you wrote:>> >>> ...>>> I understand that
clamTK is no longer maintained.>> That's right. But that doesn't mean it
will stop working in the near>> future. Just use it as long as it still
works and in the meantime also>> make yourself familiar with ClamAV's command
line and config files.>> >> Sincerely,>>
Rainer>_______________________________________________>>Manage your
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