Thank you Masaru.I have downloaded the most recent Deb file for clam AV gui on
my pop OS 22.04. when I tried to install it an error message appeared saying
installation failed and also saying "child process exited with code 100". I
have sent an email to an email contact I found for kde store and open desktop
to see if anyone there can help me further as to how to install and run. I
tried signing up to various registration processes and logins and it just went
around in circles. if you are able to provide me with any more guidance on how
to install and run this software you suggested that would be great.Best wishes
Sarah-------- Original message --------From: Masaru Nomiya via clamav-users
<> Date: 23/07/2024 9:09 pm (GMT+12:00) To: Cc: Masaru Nomiya <>
Subject: Re: [clamav-users] Seeking GUI alternative while learning how to
use clamAV Hello,In the Message; Subject : Re: [clamav-users] Seeking
GUI alternative while learning how to use clamAV Message-ID :
<> Date & Time: Tue, 23 Jul
2024 20:30:31 +1200[SA] == "Ayre, Sarah via clamav-users"
<> has written:[...]SA> System76 and I followed
their instructions in their supportSA> article "Auto-Mount Second Hard Drive"
which says "createSA> [and name] an empty folder in your home folder" as the
mount point.This is the procedure to create a 2nd drive, and when you do this,
thedata on the 2nd drive will be erased.In your case, I think it is best to use
Clamav-gui, have you triedinstalling it?Best Regards.---┏━━┓彡 Masaru Nomiya
mail-to: nomiya @┃\/彡┗━━┛ "To hire for
skills, firms will need to implement robust and intentional changes
in their hiring practices ― and change is hard." --
Employers don't practice what they preach on skills-based hiring
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