On Apr 16, 2010, at 12:13 PM, Gary MacKay wrote:

On Apr 16, 2010, at 2:56 PM, Eric Rostetter wrote:

Quoting Gary MacKay <g...@edisoninfo.com>:

OK, who's the mental midget that decided to just up and kill all installations of clamav ???

No one.  Only very old installs, not all installs.

So who made who god to decide which servers get shutdown?

Again, no one. Your server is still running.

OK, so the version is not updated and it is probably not catching all the viri that is should. SO WHAT!!!!

So why run it at all?  And why stop the rest of us from being able to
catch all the viri we should be able to, and want to?

Nobody is stopping you from doing whatever you want to YOUR servers.

That's my responsibility/fault.

Exactly.  And you are now paying the price...  And we are no longer
having to pay the price for your faults.

The price I would pay is getting an infected server and having to clean up the mess. None of mine are infected. Although I will say this incident has probably shut down more servers than ANY VIRUS OUT THERE YET!!!

But don't go shutting everything down and killing corporate email all together!!!!!! Retards...

Kettle, meet pot...


They did not in any way shut down your server.  No shutdown or reboot
command was issued.  They didn't turn off your power.  Your server is
up and running just fine, or if not, it isn't clamav's fault.

They shut down your clamd daemon...  Not your server.

Symantics. By shutting down clamd daemon the mail server has been rendered dead. Killed by the very program what was supposed to prevent this.

No, the program is not "designed" to keep your mail server alive, it is designed to stop the spread of virii through your mail system. AND it has done this including shutting down the daemon when it is too outdated to work properly.

Off to find a replacement.......


I am not disputing that I should have kept the servers up to date. Again, my problem not anyone else's. Microsoft makes lousy enough software, but what a mess if they decided to issue a shutdown command on all the Windows NT servers in the world? This was not an accidental failure of hardware or software or anything else. It was a willful choice to purposefully send out a kill command. That is what I am angered about.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Go Longhorns!
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