On Tue, 7 Oct 2008 22:47:32 +0000 (GMT)
reiner otto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>Unfortunately, nothing is fool proof to the properly motivated fool.<
>One of my customers,  from a big international airline, I developed
>some SW for, told me: "There is nothing like users fault". 
>After some thinking, I had to admit, he was right. There is only the
>fault of the programmer, not to think about it. 
>But, may be, this attitude nowadays is a bit out of fashion.
>Forgive me, I am only an old-fashioned German engineer. And

A little over ten years ago, I worked on a classified Government
project that was employing users in an effort to see how long it would
take for them to learn how to use a piece of hardware as well as how
badly they would break the item without any previous instructions on its
use. We discovered that no matter what safe guards we put in place,
some sufficiently motivated fool would find a way to circumvent it.

We then gave the testers a through education on how to use the
equipment and its care. We discovered that the same individuals who did
the most damage in the first round of tests, also contributed the most
damage in the second round as well.

Conclusion, no amount of safe guards nor education can prevent an idiot
from screwing something up. Or, as Einstein is reported to have stated:

        The difference between genius and stupidity
        is that genius has its limits.

If any developer spends his time considering every conceivable way that
some moron could foul up his program, he will probably never get past
the first line of code. Defend against the obvious and screw the idiots.


The Supreme Court does it with all deliberate speed.

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