On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 15:19 +0000, reiner otto wrote:
> >Just out of morbid curiosity, who is holding a gun to your head forcing
> >you to use 'hobby products' anyway? No one is being forced to do
> >anything, therefore they have no discernible right to demand that the
> >developer of the product they are using change it to suit their own
> >personal likes. If this were a commercial product that they were paying
> >for, that might be a different story. One of the ideas behind 'open
> >source' software is that if you don't like it, you are free to modify
> >it to your liking.

That's somewhat the main idea IMHO.

> >It is not the operating systems job to stop the user from shooting
> >himself in the foot, but rather to deliver the bullet as
> >efficiently and expeditiously as possible.

And exactly at the point where the bullet was aimed.
So the OS should provide means to point the gun where the user wants to
- including (but not limited to;-) the own foot (or head for that

> I expected OpenSource to be a real alternative to closed (proprietary,
> commercial) software, with the same quality standards, at least.

"Commercial" software is not necessarily proprietary (but can also be
free software). So please don't mix that constantly up.

> Obviously, this is not the standard case.

No, usually it's actually better for me. But that actually depends on
the requirements though.

> In case, this attitude persists, there will not be a real success.
> So the standard user of OpenSOurce then should be a highly trained,
> script- and may be even C++ capable person.

If one gets the (free) software for free *and* can't live (for whatever
reason) with what he/she downloaded (for free) *and* doesn't want to go
the commercial way paying someone else (or a company) to do the
personally needed changes/fixes/enhancements/.... *and*
complaining/requesting/.. doesn't help, you are completely right.

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