>>>I am thankful that the underlying spirit of providing good quality  
>>>software to those who can't really afford it is not tainted by people
>>>with attitudes like yours. 
>- Charles<
>>Respect. I have to agree 100% on your very (too ?) polite expression.
>>Good software simply tells the user, that something is badly wrong.
>>Because the system serves the user, not vice versa.
>>And programmers, who do not adhere to this very simple principle, even
>>refuse to accept it as a basic principle, simply are "amateur
>>programmer", their products better to be called "hobby products", not
>>suitable for the public.

>Just out of morbid curiosity, who is holding a gun to your head forcing
>you to use 'hobby products' anyway? No one is being forced to do
>anything, therefore they have no discernible right to demand that the
>developer of the product they are using change it to suit their own
>personal likes. If this were a commercial product that they were paying
>for, that might be a different story. One of the ideas behind 'open
>source' software is that if you don't like it, you are free to modify
>it to your liking.

>It is not the operating systems job to stop the user from shooting
>himself in the foot, but rather to deliver the bullet as
>efficiently and expeditiously as possible.

I expected OpenSource to be a real alternative to closed (proprietary, 
commercial) software, with the same quality standards, at least.
Obviously, this is not the standard case.
In case, this attitude persists, there will not be a real success.
So the standard user of OpenSOurce then should be a highly trained, script- and 
may be even C++ capable person.
Not a real recommendation.

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