On Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 10:50:59AM -0700, Dennis Peterson wrote:
> Arthur Sherman wrote:
> >> I use scripts now to monitor user space for new php code.
> > Could you share these scripts?
> On a Solaris system you can use the built-in aset tool, and for any 
> Unix/Linux system you can use trip-wire or Cfengine.

Or in plain old sh:

    touch /tmp/lastscan.tmp
    find /path/to/documentroot -newer /tmp/lastscan -name \*.php
    mv /tmp/lastscan.tmp /tmp/lastscan

Bootstrapping this so it won't give an error on the first run is left as
an excersize to the reader (you could just ignore the error).

On a related note: I recently saw a php exploit finder, which could
search php source for possibly exploitable code. It was basically a
collection of regular expressions, written in php itself, version 0.01,
but it looked interesting. Sorry, no URL, you'll have to google it.

(how far away from viruses are we yet?)

Jan-Pieter Cornet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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