Dennis Peterson wrote:

> I've had a feeling for several posts that we have not been having the 
> same conversation. I've never seen anything but Windows viruses in the 
> nearly 30 years I've been doing this but that's not what we're talking 
> about. We're talking about the probability that Windows viruses and even 
> non-Windows viruses can be sourced from a non-Windows mailer. 

Ah, I'm in agreement with you there. True, it's defintely possible for 
that type of thing to happen, just as it's possible for spammers to 
figure out how to get past greylisting (oh, damn, I think they already 

But real problems trump theoretical ones every time. The problem in the 
typical business is that, before they go and allocate resources to 
something they want to know "where's the payoff" - unfortunately it will 
take someone being bitten, as a concrete example, before they say "oh, 
*there's* the payoff".


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