Jason Haar wrote:
>> P0f maybe?  Although with my experience it has never been that accurate
>> and is easy to fool if one so desires.
> We're using p0f integrated into Qmail-Scanner to track what OS is 
> associated with incoming SMTP connections.
> Just to add some 'facts' to this discussion, so far this week the 
> following percentages are seen (for our mail servers) as being 
> responsible for malware/spam
> 84% Windows
> 13% Linux
> 3%  the rest
> So Linux systems can send viruses and spam - but these will be 0wned Web 
> servers - not workstations...

Indeed, that is the case, although the subject as I understood it was 
viruses. Under the larger general heading of malware, though, there are 
certainly a lot of unix and other types of systems involved.

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