On Tue, 17 Oct 2006, ash wrote:

I did read the previous postings, but I feel my problem is different,
almost as if I have been banned (which I don't believe I should have
been) and the apache config been set to deny my IP , but I haven't been
able to find any documented method of getting this checked out.
> What happens when you try wget http://db.us.clamav.net (or uk or jp) ?
As mentioned, http connections to sites returned when querying the
various country entries failed.

A workaround would be to set

DatabaseMirror clamavdb.planetmirror.com

in freschclam.conf.

It sounds like the problem is more an underlying network
connectivity problem from your host to port 80 on many IPs
but not to clamavdb.planetmirror.com.  Perhaps your ISP
requires traffic to most sites to go through a proxy but traffic
to clamavdb.planetmirror.com is considered "local"
and allowed directly.

David Shrimpton                       Systems Programmer
Software Infrastructure, Information Technology Services
University of Qld 4072
Brisbane Australia

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