On Tue, 17 Oct 2006, ash wrote:


I have been using ClamAV with no problems for the last 3 years but have just
returned from 1 weeks break to discover my hourly  ClamAV updates seem to
have stopped on Oct11 around 0800 GMT

DNSDatabaseInfo current.cvd.clamav.net
DatabaseMirror db.au.clamav.net
DatabaseMirror database.clamav.net

I have tried pointing the DatabaseMirror to US,UK or JP and they all fail.

On Mon 17/10/2006 all the reachable au mirrors had  out of date daily.cvd
when compared to current version in DNS. ( dig txt current.cvd.clamav.net )
This was causing "Mirrors not synchronized" errors if DatabaseMirror
was set to db.au.clamav.net.

I notice db.au.clamav.net was sometime after made a CNAME to 

Using DatabaseMirror db.au.clamav.net should now be successful as a result of 
this change.

(clamavdb.planetmirror.com which was one of db.au.clamav.net is now uptodate 
 but may be the only useable au mirror if db.au.clamav.net is restored to 
former settings.)

See earlier postings on list re above.

Setting DatabaseMirror to db.us.clamav.net (or uk or jp) should work.

What happens when you try wget http://db.us.clamav.net  (or uk or jp) ?

Also did you comment out all the other DatabaseMirror entries in freshclam.conf
when trying db.us.clamav.net etc ?

Is DNSDatabaseInfo set to current.cvd.clamav.net in freshclam.conf ?

Are proxy settings correct in freshclam.conf (and for wget)?

Try running freshclam without --quiet to look for errors.

Incidently the error below may mean you need to comment out the TCP entries for
clamd in clamd.conf if clamd is listening on unix socket or vice versa and
check your clamd is actually starting.
Thats if you are using clamd .  If not you may want to comment NotifyClamd
in freshclam.conf.

Oct 11 07:51:29 pow1 freshclam[29134]: ERROR: Clamd was NOT notified: Both
socket types (TCP and local) declared in /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf

David Shrimpton                       Systems Programmer
Software Infrastructure, Information Technology Services
University of Qld 4072
Brisbane Australia


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