* On 27/08/06 15:02 -0400, Dan MacNeil wrote:
| See bottom of thread for thoughts
| >>the circumstances arose where mail folders are kept
| >>from a pre-clamav time, or there was an issue with the clamav setup at
| >>the time, or clamav was not scanning incoming mail 
| >
| >I have to say that while I commend your sharing of a concept/idea, it 
| >does appear that it's not very viable.
| >As for the situation, we've been using ClamAV for going on 3 years now, 
| >and I have never (I repeat never) seen this occur.
| >Outside of a poor configuration/implementation that is.
| We're using maildir instead of mbox so the OP's script.
| However, I beg to differ on the point that post-delivery scanning is 
| useless (dumb???). We run clam through amavis. We also clamscan our mail 
| spool when fresh-clam gives us a new signature.

Post-delivery scanning..... 

1. You accept the mail (imagine it was infected).
2. Then scan it...

How long is the time difference between when it is delivered and when 
the owner accesses it?

We block all infected mail at SMTP time, so we don't even receive it.
I have been using Clamav (clamd) for over 3 years and this is the way
we have always done it. Initially there was exiscan patch for Exim, then
exiscan-acl and finally exiscan was integrated into Exim so virus/spam
filtering is already in the MTA. You just have to install/configure
SpamAssassin/Clamav and enable the filtering/(blocking) at SMTP time.
To be honest, in all my years as sysadmin, I don't know why I would
want post-delivery scanning.



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