On Tue, 2005-05-31 at 09:08 -0500, René Berber wrote:
> Don't do this!  Any wannabe-virus-builder-kid will want to get a hand on 
> samples
> like this.

Well, if they don't have it by now then they aren't educated enough to
get it now.  It doesn't make it truly newsworthy just because this is
the first time that you have seen it.  Besides, how do you know what I
am doing with the access_log data? 

> Submit your sample to:
>    http://cgi.clamav.net/sendvirus.cgi

I did.  Never heard a thing... .thus my post here.

-Jim P.

> That will get the virus database maintainers a better "heads up" than reading
> this list


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