Jim Popovitch said:
> On Tue, 2005-05-31 at 09:28 -0700, Dennis Peterson wrote:

>> >
>> > To me, the original javascript IS a virus and SHOULD be reported by
>> > clam(d)scan.
>> >
>> > -Jim P.
>> If this is the case then adding the script to any content filter you run
>> should be a  minimum step while you're waiting for a Clamav solution.
> <argh>!  That is not the reason I am posting to clamav.  If I wanted to
> block it myself, I would have (and have) long ago.  The reason for the
> post is to A) Alert others  B) find out if others think this is
> something that clamav guru's should be paying attention to.

I agree with you - I'm just suggesting that any interested parties not sit
by until that happens. I'm also glad I got a copy to use for a pattern
filter - thanks for posting the link.

>  I can solve
> the problem on my own, I just thought that this was something clamav
> should be doing for the masses.  I'll shutup now since it is all too
> apparent that ppl think I came here to get individual assistance in
> solving a problem rather than to identify a potential oversight in
> clamav.

It might be a good idea to bring it up on the developer's mail list. Don't
give up.


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