Jim Popovitch wanted us to know:

>should be doing for the masses.  I'll shutup now since it is all too
>apparent that ppl think I came here to get individual assistance in
>solving a problem rather than to identify a potential oversight in

Don't take it personally until an actual developer tells you that you're
wasting your time.  Read the archives, figure out which posters are
inflammatory, and add them to your plonk list.  It makes reading the
lists much more bearable.
Regards...              Todd
OS X: We've been fighting the "It's a mac" syndrome with upper management
for  years  now.  Lately  we've  taken  to  just  referring  to  new  mac 
installations  as  "Unix"  installations  when  presenting proposals  and 
updates.  For some reason, they have no problem with that.          -- /.
Linux kernel 2.6.11-6mdksmp   3 users,  load average: 1.30, 1.26, 1.19

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