Matt Fretwell wanted us to know:

>> as it is harder to scan those messages for viruses
> Nonsense. Mail is mail. If you are running a mailserver, it should be
>able to cope with all types of mail, irrelevant of (creation|submission)

Nonsense.  A user clicks on a webmail message, opens the the trojan
du jour, and whammo, the whole company is infected by the exploit that
is unleashed * FROM * WITHIN * without ever having passed through a
virus scanner on your side.  Think bigger scale.
Regards...              Todd
  We should not be building surveillance technology into standards.
  Law enforcement was not supposed to be easy.  Where it is easy, 
  it's called a police state.             -- Jeff Schiller on NANOG
Linux kernel 2.6.11-6mdksmp   3 users,  load average: 1.30, 1.29, 1.27

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