this Dennis Peterson spake:
> Todd Lyons said:
>>Matt Fretwell wanted us to know:
>>>>as it is harder to scan those messages for viruses
>>>Nonsense. Mail is mail. If you are running a mailserver, it should be
>>>able to cope with all types of mail, irrelevant of (creation|submission)
>>Nonsense.  A user clicks on a webmail message, opens the the trojan
>>du jour, and whammo, the whole company is infected by the exploit that
>>is unleashed * FROM * WITHIN * without ever having passed through a
>>virus scanner on your side.  Think bigger scale.
> This will make more sense if you explain that you are clicking on a
> webmail page from Yahoo, Gmail, or Hotmail. Internal webmail servers can
> be integrated with internal smtp servers and filters. The problem is not
> webmail - the problem is any content that is not scanned that user's can
> browse or download.

question of definition and scale of drawing the environment:

it should be off list, really ;)

> dp


Timo Schoeler | | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
//macfinity -- finest IT services |
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