On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 07:22:29PM +0300, Arkady V.Belousov said:
> Hi!
> 10-???-2005 15:54 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matt) wrote to ClamAV users ML
> <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>:
> >> M>  But again, this begs the question, if you can attempt connection to
> >> M>  the above ftp site, why can you not use http?
> >>      Third (fourth?) repeat: frpmail robots are more stable and less
> >> restrictive.
> M>  It is not a repeat, for you have not yet made a valid argument against
> M> the reliability of the http method.
>      I have NO TCP/IP protocols and have NO online access and have NEITHER
> http NOR ftp access. I only may access ftpmail robots (through email!).

Of course you do, somewhere, or else the ftp part of it wouldn't work.
I assume what you have on your end is an intermittent uucp connection
for email (and why you think uucp is somehow different at the transport
layer than smtp is beyond me, but that's another argument).  You already
have a bot that makes ftp connections and sends you an email of the
contents, right?

On the machine that has the ftpbot, write a short script that does this
for you - a combination of dig (to check txt records to see if an update
is necessary), wget (to fetch the files), and uuencode and mail (to
actually send the files) is all that's necessary.  The mail part should
be transparent - if the MTA on that machine has a uucp route for you, it
will handle getting the mail to you.

> M> You are disclaimimg a method with no valid reason. The twaddle you have
> M> quoted so far is pure fantasy and personal choice. Nothing more.
>      This is your trouble, that you don't beleive to truth. :(
>      But even _if_ I will have online access, there may other reasons to
> update bases in my _own_ ways, not through online access by freshclam. For
> example, because ClamAV bases are not enoughly small and there are much of
> non-broadband users, which pay for traffic. I already express this, but you
> blindly skip this my reason. :(

OK, this may be the problem.  ClamAV is an open source project, and you
are free to modify how it works to suit your needs.  The people working
on it are volunteers, writing code because they need/want/enjoy the
project.  If you are unhappy with something, make a suggestion.  If
people tell you they are not going to implement it for you, then go do
it yourself - badgering people who have already donated hundreds of hours
of work to you, absolutely free, is not going to do anything except
irritate them.

Enough with this thread already, please.  Several people have given you
several ways to do what you want to do.  The rest is up to you now.

Take care,
|  Stephen Gran                  | When you live in a sick society, just   |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             | about everything you do is wrong.       |
|  http://www.lobefin.net/~steve |                                         |

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