On 2005-01-10 11:53:34 -0500, Stephen Gran wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 07:22:29PM +0300, Arkady V.Belousov said:
> > 10-???-2005 15:54 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matt) wrote to ClamAV users ML
> > <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>:
> > 
> > >> M>  But again, this begs the question, if you can attempt connection to
> > >> M>  the above ftp site, why can you not use http?
> > >>      Third (fourth?) repeat: frpmail robots are more stable and less
> > >> restrictive.
> > M>  It is not a repeat, for you have not yet made a valid argument against
> > M> the reliability of the http method.
> > 
> >      I have NO TCP/IP protocols and have NO online access and have NEITHER
> > http NOR ftp access. I only may access ftpmail robots (through email!).
> Of course you do, somewhere, or else the ftp part of it wouldn't work.

Somewhere, yes, but not under his control.

> I assume what you have on your end is an intermittent uucp connection
> for email (and why you think uucp is somehow different at the transport
> layer than smtp is beyond me, but that's another argument).

SMTP needs a TCP connection. UUCP doesn't. It works fine over a raw
modem connection. (Why somebody speaks UUCP instead of PPP over a modem
connection is another question - less overhead and more reliable if you
have a bad telephone line, probably)

> You already have a bot that makes ftp connections and sends you an
> email of the contents, right?

No, he doesn't have the bot, he just knows how to access it. 

A maillftp bot or FTP-Mail gateway (as we used to call them 15 years
ago, before we had internet access) is server which you can send
commands via mail. So you send it a mail with a body like that:

GET ftp.example.com:/foo/bar.tar.gz 
GET ftp.beispiel.at:/pictures/pretty.jpg

(the syntax varies from server to server, of course) and it will
retrieve the files, split them into parts small enough to be sent via
mail (15 years ago, that meant about 60kB per part), uuencode them
(well, today they probably use MIME) and send everything to the email
address you specified (great way to fill fill somebody's mailbox with
all the linux kernels since 0.10 :-).


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | Je höher der Norden, desto weniger wird
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR       | überhaupt gesprochen, also auch kein Dialekt.
| |   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]         | Hallig Gröde ist fast gänzlich dialektfrei.
__/   | http://www.hjp.at/ |   -- Hannes Petersen in desd

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