Hello Arkady,

Arkady V.Belousov wrote:

6-ñÎ×-2005 20:22 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Maul) wrote to "ClamAV users ML"

JM> http://www.clamav.net/abstract.html#pagestart
JM> "The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon, a
JM> command line scanner, and a tool for automatic updating via Internet."

     Let me rephrase myself: may I update bases manually and without running
any 3rd party beasties like web servers on my machine? How to download

Ok, I have cerefully listed through this thread and first thought the only acceptable method for you was to receive updates via email. (AFAIK, there is no such list to which you can subscribe and receive updates),later I have found out that ftp is acceptable so you agree to be connected to the internet (directly or inderectly) and fetch clamav updates "manually". In this case I don't understand why you don't like freshclam. Say there is a server on the net which supports ftp method of database retrieval. Do you think it will be more secure for you to retrieve updates from this server via ftp rather than retrieve updates using native freshclam? (don't think so). Ideally there are 2 ways (I can't think about others) to get updates online:

1. Someone/Something sends them to you/me/others via smtp/ftp/http/etc...
2. Someone/Something put these files somewhere on the net and you/me/others retrieve them using supported protocol pop3/ftp/http/etc...

In the first case you should be running appropriate server to accept this information and then use it when and how you like.

In the second case you should be running apropriate client to contact a server and retrieve this information for future use.


1. AFAIK the first way is not available.
2. People who are so kind to update bases for you/me/others place db updates to predefined locations and you/me/others may retrieve them using http. Most of clamav users use freshclam for this purpose, you can create your own tool if you like.

I hope I made myself clear enough.

Just my 2 cents.

bases for manual update (preferably without online, but ftp also

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