On Wed, 2004-06-02 at 15:49, Ron Snyder wrote:

> if you do a 'dig database.clamav.net' or a 'host database.clamav.net', do
> you get useful answers? 

No.  Both merely say:
"truncated, retrying in TCP mode,
timed out -no servers could be reached".

I am baffled, especially by the fact that the problem first occurred for
no apparent reason while happily using Clamav 0.70.  Upgrading to 0.71
didn't help.  I agree with you and others that the firewall is the most
likely culprit but turning it off didn't help.  Nor did changing ISPs. I
have not made any amendments to freshclam.conf, nor to clamav.conf
(except for the necessary addition of # before example.  We seem to have
eliminated everything.

I think that I have reached to end of my technical ability and have
tried your and others' patience enough so will start from scratch with a
reformat and reinstall.

I am most grateful to you and all who have helped.  Although the problem
is not solved, I have learned a lot and maybe one day I shall have
enough knowledge to help others lower down on the learning curve.


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