When I started ClamAV I got the following errors:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp]# /etc/init.d/clamd start
Starting ClamAV...
LibClamAV Error: !Can't open /dev/urandom.
LibClamAV Error: !Can't open /dev/urandom.
LibClamAV Error: !Can't open /dev/urandom.
LibClamAV Error: !Can't open /dev/urandom.
LibClamAV Error: !Can't open /dev/urandom.
LibClamAV Error: !Can't open /dev/urandom.
LibClamAV Error: !Can't open /dev/urandom.
/etc/init.d/clamd: line 51: 10027 Segmentation fault
ClamAV is now up and running!

The only process running is " /usr/local/bin/freshclam -d -c 10
--datadir=/usr/local/share/clamav" which I believe only checks for virus
signature updates.

I have a /dev/urandom

Does anyone know a resolution to the issue

Thanks in advance!

Edward W. Ray

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