An interesting fact on ChangeLog:In another escalation of the arms war, the latest variant of password-encrypted archive virus now distributes itself in an encrypted rar file, and the password is an attached bitmap to eliminate the possibility of using the password in the body of the message to open the archive in antivirus programs.
Thu Mar 11 21:50:32 CET 2004 (tk) --------------------------------- * libclamav: rar: added support for encrypted archive (Encrypted.RAR) detection
Changing a well-known system is hard. I'm trying to replace telnet with ssh andAt his rate, I give e-mail another year of usefulness. So much for the usefulness of attachments too. Thanks a lot spammers and virus writers. The good news is we'll have to replace SMTP with a better, more robust, and more secure system.
ftp with sftp for some time now, for a small community, and still haven't 100% successfull.
Mainly due to the fact that most user still use M$ Win and it don't have builtin clients
for ssh or sftp.
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