On Thu, 26 Feb 2004, jef moskot wrote:

> On Thu, 26 Feb 2004, Jesper Juhl wrote:
> > ...I have setup a cron job to monitor it every 5 minutes and start it up
> > again if it should happen again - so, that way I should only be relying
> > on clamscan for a maximum of 5min which is not a problem.
> Ah, OK.  Well, that doesn't sound too bad at all.
In case you are currious - I'm using amavisd-new to interface postfix and
clam : http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/

> I've just read a lot about people who have daemon watchers that start new
> instances of clamd if the old one dies.  I was wondering what happened in
> the meantime.
> Thanks.
You are welcome.

/Jesper Juhl

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