On Tuesday 10 February 2004 2:47 pm, Cedric Foll wrote:

> > > Added: No. Worm.SCO.A found even with 0.65-BugFixesFromCVS-20031123.
> >
> > No, it is not deprecated.   The comment "Folks, stop wasting our time,
> > please!" means "we've been detecting Worm.SCO.A for ages now; please stop
> > sending us more samples."
> Perhaps it's because my english sucks but for me 'Worm.SCO.A found even
> with 0.65-BugFixesFromCVS-20031123' means that 0.65 can't detected it.

Even 0.60 can detect it, and that's *old*.

> I'd love know wich bugfix are available (and which bug are found)
> without having to read the changelog of the CVS.

But surely that's the whole point of the changelog?   It records which bugs 
got found (and hopefully fixed), and what new features got added...

I'm not sure where you would like to find this information, if you don't want 
to read it in the changelog?   Maybe you just want a link on the website to 
the current changelog so it's easier to access?


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